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Alex Baines


Hi there!

My name is Alex Baines and I'm a Computer Science graduate from The University of Warwick in the UK.

I enjoy programming and have made several small games in my spare time, mainly for competitions held by
Warwick Game Design. You can find them at the Games section of this website.

Currently I'm working on some other small projects, like libNRG, a C++ networking library for games, and a basic SDL2/OpenGL3+ game engine.

If you would like to contact me, send an email to alex@[This Domain].

You can also use this PGP public key to encrypt any mail you send. It should be listed on the keyserver with ID AC38912D Fingerprint F7E3 273B BC8A 2194 BD38 AF1A 0F9D C969 AC38 912D, and match the one served over https by github here.