LibNRG  0.0.1
Networking for Real-time Games library
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nrg::ConnectionOut Class Reference

Outgoing connection class.

#include <nrg_connection.h>

Public Member Functions

 ConnectionOut (const NetAddress &remote_addr, const Socket &sock_out)
 Create a new ConnectionOut that will send packets to remote_addr using the Socket sock_out.
Status sendPacket (Packet &p, PacketFlags f=PKTFLAG_NONE)
 Send Packet p, prepending header information including the given flags f, and applying any transformation.
Status sendDisconnect (Packet &extra_data)
 Send a Packet informing the remote host that the connection is over, extra_data can be a message explaining why.
Status resendLastPacket (void)
 Resends the last packet that was sent via this ConnectionOut instance.
Status getLastStatus () const
 Gets the Status that the last sending operation returned.
void setTransform (PacketTransformation *transform)
 Set a PacketTransformation to be removed from packets added to the connection.

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