nrg | |
  BitWriter | Writes a stream of bytes to a packet more easily |
  BitReader | Reads a stream of bytes from a packet more easily |
  Client | The main client-side nrg class |
  ClientHandshakeState | |
  ClientGameState | |
  Codec | Encodes and Decodes any type into a Packet object |
  Codec< T, typename enable_if< has_encode_decode< T >::value >::type > | Specialisation of Codec for types that have their own encode and decode methods |
  Codec< char[len]> | Specialisation of Codec for arrays of char |
  Codec< std::string > | Specialisation of Codec for std::string objects |
  ConnectionCommon | Common connection functionality that is used by both ConnectionIn and ConnectionOut |
  ConnectionIn | Incoming connection class |
  ConnectionOut | Outgoing connection class |
  Connection | Combines both ConnectionIn and ConnectionOut into a single class |
  Entity | Abstract class to be inherited by users of the library which acts as a container of one or more Fields |
  EntityManager | Abstract class that contains functionality required by Entity objects |
  EntityHelper | Helper template class that automatically implements the Entity::clone and Entity::getType methods |
  DisconnectEvent | Event raised when the Client becomes disconnected |
  EntityEvent | Event raised when entities are updated, created, destroyed client-side - an alternative to the virtual methods that Entity provides |
  PlayerEvent | Event raised on the server when a player joins or leaves |
  Event | Union to contain all the event types |
  EventQueue | Holds a queue of Event objects |
  FieldBase | Abstract base class that Field inherits from |
  FieldContainer | Abstract class used by anything that contains Fields, like Entity or InputBase |
  Field | Template class encapsulating a type that will be replicated from Server to Clients, and is stored inside a FieldContainer |
  Field< T[N]> | Specialisation of Field for array types |
  InputBase | Abstract base class for Input |
  Input | Abstract class using the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern that users should inherit from and insert Fields into that represent user-input |
  lerp | Simple linear-interpolation functor |
  MessageBase | Abstract base class for Message |
  Message | Variadic template class that encodes / decodes its data to and from Packets |
  MessageManager | Class that stores Messages to be sent, and parses received messages from packets, running their callback functions |
  NetAddress | Class to wrap the various POSIX sockaddrs and resolve hostnames |
  PacketReadable | Interface for Packet's reading functions |
  PacketWritable | Interface for Packet's writing functions |
  Packet | Class for storing data to be sent / received across the network |
  PacketTransformation | Interface representing a transformation of a Packet, such as Compression |
  PacketHeader | Class representing a header to be prepended to packets that pass through ConnectionIn and ConnectionOut |
  Player | Represents a connected client on the server |
  Queue | Simple queue class built on a std::vector |
  ReplayRecorder | Class that writes a replay to a file |
  ReplayServer | Class that reads a replay file and acts as a local server, sending the packets in the file |
  RingBuffer | Ring / circular buffer implementation |
   iterator | Iterator class for the RingBuffer |
  Server | The main server-side class of the library |
  ServerHandshakeState | State for default handshake protocol, server-side |
  ServerPlayerGameState | State for default game protocol, server-side |
  Snapshot | |
  DeltaSnapshot | |
  ClientSnapshot | |
  Socket | Base socket class |
  UDPSocket | Socket derivative specifically for the User-Datagram Protocol |
  StateConnectionOut | Interface for wrapping ConnectionOut with rate-limiting functionality |
  State | Abstract class that represents a protocol followed by the Server and Client |
  StateConnectionOutImpl | Implementation of StateConnectionOut |
  Status | Class to wrap system and internal errors |
  StatusOK | Derived class for non-error statuses |
  StatusErr | Derived class for system errors |
  IDAssigner | |
  ClientStats | Client statistics interface |
  TVarint | Default undeclared template instance to cause a compilation error for non-integer types |
  TVarint< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_unsigned< T >::value >::type > | Varint template specialisation for unsigned types |
  TVarint< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_signed< T >::value >::type > | Varint template specialisation for signed types that requre zigzagging |
  Version | A class to store the version of the library |